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Reconciling reason and logic and realities of life with Revelation from the Bible.


Petrified Proof

A few years ago, coming home from a trip to Mesa, AZ, my wife and I stopped to tour the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest in...

The Complexity of False Beliefs

There are several theories about beginnings within Christendom. One is called theistic evolution. This is usually held and believed by...

Biblical Measurements on Science

When a Christian comes across a scientific finding or assertion, he or she should ask,' How does this square up with the Bible?' We...

God's Universal Law's

In Colossians 1:17 we read, "And He (Jesus) is before all and in Him all things consist." In Hebrews 1:3, speaking of Jesus Christ, it...

Bad Odds

Back in the latter part of the last century a scientist/mathematician, with the help of calculators and computers available at that time,...


In sequence to my last blog I will continue to expose the flaws in the evolutionary hypothesis. They are completely depended upon change...

The Missing Link

Evolutionist keep searching for the missing links between primate animal life and human life to no avail. The Nebraska Man, Neanderthal...

The Evolutionist's Math Problem!

Whenever the term millions of years is used in relation to origins it is always referring to the the evolutionary hypothesis....

The Credence of Gods Creation

As I mentioned in my previous news letter, if you didn't receive that please consider signing up to receive it. Genesis 1:1 says "In the...

The Canyon Between Evolution and Logic

We are bombarded on every side with the evolutionary hypothesis. It is taught through out the public school system starting in...

What about the authenticity of the Bible?

There is hundreds of times more evidence of the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible than any or even all of ancient writings. This is...


From the Chaplain's Chamber 

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