A few years ago, coming home from a trip to Mesa, AZ, my wife and I stopped to tour the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest in northeastern Arizona. I highly recommend this tour. To get there, take I-40 to exit 311. Below is what the evolutionists have to say about the Petrified Forest.
The thing that I noticed immediately was that each one of those petrified logs was sawed evenly and symmetrically on each end and about the same lengths.
According to the evolutionists aforementioned explanation, these logs would have to somehow been sawn as much as 220 million years before the first man climbed down out of his tree. These same evolutionists claim that man did not phase in until about 5 million years ago.
Again, I recommend that you stop at Arizona I-40 exit 311 and see for yourself. A much more plausible explanation for this phenomenon would be that these logs were sawn by man in the antediluvian period. That is the time before the worldwide flood of Noah's day. Truly, God has said, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22). These same people who deny a worldwide flood also deny creation and the Second Coming of Christ (II Peter 3:1-10).
In Christ's Service,
Chaplain Daryl E. Sell