Evolutionist keep searching for the missing links between primate animal life and human life to no avail. The Nebraska Man, Neanderthal man, Piltdown Man and Cro-Magnon Man have all been exposed as Hoaxes Even more recently the finding of Lucy did nothing to support their Hypothesis.
If that one link were the only one missing, they might begin to have a plausible theory. However, ALL of the links between different kinds, or species, are missing. There are no links between invertebrate and vertebrate animal life. According to evolutionists bird life evolved from reptilian life. As Dr. Duane Gish well said; "The idea of reptiles growing wings allowing them to fly is like welding wings on to a truck and making it fly like an airplane" In fact the Wright brothers used the bone structure of birds as the concept in the construction of the plane. Bird bones are hollow. So, they used tubbing rather than bar stock for the frame of the plane.
It is amusing but sad to watch otherwise brilliant intelligent men and women frantically search for evidence to support their unfounded scheme. This they do because they desire to be their own gods and control their own lives and destinies. If Steven Hawking and his like could come back they would sing a different song. (Romans 1:18-22- KJV-1611)