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The Credence of Gods Creation

Writer's picture: Daryl E. SellDaryl E. Sell

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

As I mentioned in my previous news letter, if you didn't receive that please consider signing up to receive it. Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The Hebrew word "Barah" translated create, means to make something out of nothing, the Latin equivalent is ex-nihilo. Evolutionists believe that nothing made something out of nothing, then began improving itself over millions and millions of years through millions and millions of precisely timed accidents in duplicate, leaving no evidence behind.

The following are statements made by leading scientists who never claimed to believe the Biblical creation account: Professor Fleischmann, modern zoologist of Erlangen, Germany, after repudiating Darwinism said, "The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature, It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination."

Sir William Dawson "It is one of the strangest phenomenon's of humanity; it is utterly destitute of proof."

Sir William Dawson, Canada's great geologist, said of evolution, "It is one of the strangest phenomenon's of humanity; it is utterly destitute of proof." Dr. Robert A. Millikan, famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner, said "The pathetic thing is that we have scientists who are trying to prove evolution, which no scientist can ever prove."

On the other hand there are many renowned scientist who were and are creationist and Bible believing Christians. To name a few: Sir. Isaac Newton, for whom the law of gravity is named and French biologist Louis Pasteur. It was because of his strong belief in creation that he refuted the then predominant theory of spontaneous generation of bacteria. It was through his research that modern medical science has a more full understanding of bacteria and its reproduction.

Dr Robert A. Millikan The pathetic thing is that we have scientist who are trying to prove evolution, witch no scientist can ever prove."

The early head of our space exploration program, Dr. Werner Von Brown, was a Bible believer, a creationist and born again Christian. He helped get our men on the moon. Often times creationists are ridiculed by evolutionists as being semi-literate or superstitious. Henry Morris, Founder of the Institute for Creation Research, had an earned doctorate and was head of the physics department of Virginia Tech Institute before founding ICR. All of ICR's staff are bonified degree holding scientists, mostly from universities that do not teach or promote creationism Other good sources on this subject is the series "Back To Genesis" by Ken Ham and Dr. Kent Hovind of Pensacola, Florida, who puts out some excellent DVDs on creation vs evolution . You can watch them free on youtube! Click on the Image to watch them now!

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