Psalm 2:4
In my last blog, I stated that on whatever subject the Bible touches, it is always accurate. In that blog, I was speaking about science. In this blog, I will demonstrate that this is also true of the subject of history.
Psalm 2 is a prophetic psalm that accurately describes the time in which we live. I encourage my readers to peruse rather than scan this relevant prophecy. However, in this blog, I want to demonstrate the accuracy of history in and of the Bible.
In the latter part of the 19th century, a group of pseudo-theologians that came out of Germany published articles called Higher Criticism of the Old Testament, especially of the first five books called the Pentateuch or Torah by the Jews. They also published articles called form criticism of the New Testament. In each of these, they wrote disparagingly about the accuracy and genuineness of authorship as is attributed in the Bible.
They came up with a ridiculous theory called the JEPD theory of the first five books. In this, they claim the parts where God is referred to as Jehovah was written at a later date than where He is referred to as Elohim, The P is for a later date called priestly period, which would date it with the Book of Leviticus. The D would refer to a much later date with the book of Deuteronomy, They even divide Isaiah in two with the last half referred to as Deutero-Isaiah, supposedly written not by Isaiah but by some other writer centuries later.
They then made a blatant statement that Moses could not have written the Book of Genesis because no one knew how to write until David's time. Shortly after that statement, the Holy Spirit led some Biblical archaeologists to dig up Sumerian and Akkadian cities with detailed trade agreements and other intricate writings. These were written in cuneiform writing that has been translated into modern languages. These archaeological findings predated Moses by more than 1,000 years. Yes, God does have a sense of humor
Biblical archaeologist Dr. Clifford Wilson told me that their favorite Bible verse is Psalm 85:11." Truth shall spring out of the earth".
Certainly, Moses did use earlier written resource material, for example, Genesis 14:3-7. Nevertheless, he wrote all five of those Books under the divine inspiration of
the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, with absolute accuracy, Personally, I believe Adam and Eve knew how to write.
In Christ's Service,
Chaplain Daryl E. Sell