In my last blog, I enumerated the necessary elements one must have to generate an explosion (Big Bang). Where did the evolutionists get these ingredients? Where did they come from? This is called First Cause. The elements must be there in the proper amount in the proper order or there is no explosion (bang).
Now I am going to talk about the results of explosions. We never find any kind of order being the effect of an explosion We do use explosions for a positive purpose. Explosives are used in mining, highway construction, tunnel construction, removing outdated and worn-out buildings. Farmers have used dynamite to remove tree stumps and other obstacles to clear land for planting. Some years ago demolition crews used explosives to bring down an older hotel. This was done scientifically to cause the debris to fall inward to protect people, traffic, and other properties from harm. When all was said and done they still had a pile of rubble. It did not cause a new modern building to magically appear. A new one had to be built.
The idea that any kind of order would come from an explosion is utterly ridiculous. While many lives have been lost due to explosions, certainly no life has ever been a result of one. Evolutionists want us to believe that is what actually happened. Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."