In addition to the aforementioned basic elementary school science of the indisputable fact that water seeks its own level thus for it to cover the highest hills of the Ararat Mountain range, it would have to be at least that deep throughout the world, there are many other factors that refute a local flood concept. Most of the facts that I will innumerate are taken from the book, "The Genesis Flood" written by Drs. John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris-Baker Book House, © 1961 Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
To begin with, it is evident that the geographic, topographic and climatic conditions were extremely different before the flood. It had not rained upon the earth prior to the time of The Flood.(Genesis 2:5) It has been proposed by scholars that during that time earth was watered by a canopy of mist that surrounded the earth, there by keeping the earth watered as well as warmed by convection heating. Then the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of Heaven were opened. All of that canopy of water was released from above. In the same time period, catastrophic tectonic and aqueous movement took place releasing water from beneath the earth surface. There are still huge lakes of water beneath the surface of the earth.
The next assertion that the local flood people make is that the ark could not possibly hold 2 of each unclean species and seven of the clean. Taking the measurements given in Genesis with a cubit being over 17 1/2 IN, the volume of the ark would be 1,369,000 cubic feet which would be equal to 522 standard railroad stock cars on eight trains with sixty-five cars each. (Genesis flood Page 67-68) Also it was not necessary that Noah would have adults of each kind of animal. Within each kind of animal would be the genetic potential for myriads of variations in each kind. For example, a Chihuahua and a Great Dane are both dogs. Even in our time new breeds of animals have been developed through "scientific" breeding.
Even Bernard Ramm, a leading skeptic, concedes to the sovereign God intervening by miraculous measures in the crossing of the Red Sea and the Jordan River. Why then could not that same sovereign God intervene through supernatural and natural means in the universal flood? The Problem lies with those skeptics' inability to believe spiritual truths. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14)
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